Mission Multiplier Role


Disciples hunger for knowledge and have a thirst for deeper understanding. Not content with a surface explanation, they often dedicate long hours to reading and teaching, allowing them to grapple with and grasp concepts at a deep level. Disciples are the ones who read the whole article, click the link for “Read More,” and ponder all that they’ve taken in. The meaning matters to Disciples.

About The Disciple

Disciples help ensure the message is sound and well thought out. They often end up being teachers, educators, and even missionaries, that take all they have learned and share it with the world. They also likely enjoy sharing their research with others in some capacity, whether online or in-person, in a small group, or on a stage. Even if it’s just an engaging conversation around an interesting topic, the only thing disciples love more than learning is connecting with others through great content! This is just one reason that Disciples play a crucial role in missions! So much of the message, urgency, and need in missions is best understood and likely later communicated by Disciples. 

Generally looking for more than one-off teaching, Disciples are often drawn to comprehensive ideas and worldviews. If mature and experienced, they might enjoy listening to viewpoints other than their own in a desire for more understanding of multifaceted issues. Disciples love engaging with comprehensive and nuanced information to cultivate rich understanding. 

Just as Jesus walked with his disciples as friends in a community, it’s essential that Disciples not allow their thirst for knowledge to isolate them from relationships. As intellectual engagers, they’ll thrive most when in a community of diverse and like-minded students on a mutual quest to go deep! Regularly and purposefully engaging with Guidelines devotionals and Bible studies will allow them to develop ideas, mission, and relationships together

Disciple Strengths

  • Hungry for information and able to absorb content for deep learning

  • Likely gifted at sharing information as a teacher (even if not in the traditional sense. For example, online platforms and blogging, leading a Bible study, etc.)

  • Pursues a comprehensive understanding of topics of interest

  • Often uniquely gifted to appreciate complexity and nuance

Disciple Quote

Disciple Verse

Disciple Subtypes

Each mission role can have diverse expressions. Disciples can thrive both in the role of Hungry Student and/or Engaging Teacher. What they have in common is their passion for growth and lifelong commitment to learning. 

The Hungry Student

The Hungry Student devours knowledge, seeks wisdom, and looks for opportunities to be discipled. Their desire to learn more cultivates a tender and teachable heart, ready to engage with others.

The Engaging Teacher

The Engaging Teacher’s infectious love for learning overflows as they share their understanding with others. Also eager to engage in lively discussions and grapple with complex issues, Engaging Teachers show where a life of discipleship can lead.

Disciple Tip

Thirst for knowledge is your strength! Find resources, community, and opportunities for engagement that allow you to walk in your mission role. Remember to research diverse opinions from experts, weigh ideas with prayer, and converse respectfully with others.

You're Part of a Bigger Mission

We Need Everyone At The Table

Knowing your role and how it contributes to the mission of sharing Jesus’s love with the whole earth is essential! We need you. Read about the other gifts God has given His people to see how others can contribute. Everyone has a role to play. We need everyone at the table to complete our mission: 

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:18-20

Join the movement of believers working together to reach the 3.2 billion people who have never heard the message of Jesus! 

How Disciples Can Take Action

It’s the glory of God to hide a matter and the glory of the king to search it out! We need these searchers to help us dig deep and pursue a rich understanding of God and His Word that they can share with the world. 

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Explore Other Mission Multiplier Giftings