Your Mission Multiplier Role



Helpful, willing, and proactive in your volunteering, you are an Ally! Allies are naturally generous and practical, eager to offer their time, skills, and resources to serve others. Yours is the heart that is quick to say “yes!” When you see a need, you want to engage with it directly. Allies are the hands and feet of Jesus, going where He goes and reaching out to directly impact the people He serves

About The Ally

No one shows the servant-heart of Jesus quite like you, the Ally. Content to lead through practical, mundane, and often menial tasks, your courageous volunteer commitment takes up the charge of faithful service delivery. Missions can’t function without the generosity of Allies’ time and skills. Your support plays an essential role in making missions possible. 

While you are likely up for any job that needs doing, you can also find a gratifying sense of purpose in using your talents to help others. Much of the work of missions requires professional services and everyday tasks, both of which you can volunteer! People operating in a servant-heart role can use any gift or act of service, whether it’s accounting, cooking, or art, to bless others in an extravagant offering of love. This sometimes takes a little creativity, knowing what you have to offer, and talking directly with an organization to find out how you can bless them with your partnership. 

Allies who carefully choose organizations that share a common cause or vision to partner with are more likely to find joy in faithfully serving long-term. Your impact will grow over decades as contributions, spread over the years, change the lives of those experiencing the servant-heart of Jesus through your work! Don’t underestimate the power of the Ally- you show up, which makes all the difference. You are Jesus to others as you serve with His content, joyful, and humble heart. 

Ally Strengths

  • Willingly offers time to serve others

  • Possesses skills or talents to share with others

  • Quick to say "yes" to a meaningful cause

  • Committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus

Ally Quote

Mother Theresa Quote

Ally Verse

1 Peter 4:10-11

Ally Subtypes

Each mission role can have diverse expressions. Two typical Ally roles are Strategic Partner and Unconditional Supporter. But don’t let this limit you- there are many ways you can lead and support as a volunteer.

The Strategic Partner

The Strategic Partner volunteers their time and expertise to improve services. This can be through donating their professional skills to serve the organization or by lending leadership in areas of untapped opportunities. They use their roles and talents to come alongside missions. Remember, almost any skill can be creatively used to support missions!

The Unconditional Supporter

The Unconditional Supporter has an up-for-anything attitude and is willing to serve organizations wherever they see a need! These invaluable contributors humbly and eagerly jump in to assist, support, and strengthen the work of missions. No task is too mundane; no need is overlooked! Their reliable devotion fuels daily operations and displays the servant-heart of Jesus to all blessed to know them.

Ally Tip

Although Allies are often content to work behind the scenes, it’s still important for you to be appreciated within your community as you participate and serve. Look for ways to join the team as you partner with others. 

You're Part of a Bigger Mission

We Need Everyone At The Table

Knowing your role and how it contributes to the mission of sharing Jesus’s love with the whole earth is essential! We need you. Read about the other gifts God has given His people to see how others can contribute. Everyone has a role to play. We need everyone at the table to complete our mission: 

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:18-20

Join the movement of believers working together to reach the 3.2 billion people who have never heard the message of Jesus! 

How Allies Can Take Action

If you’re looking for a place to contribute, find a cause you feel passionate about. Consider what you have to offer- even small roles make a big difference, encouraging and supporting missions. Remember, every organization has diverse needs, and there is always a way to get involved. Missions need Allies! Whether volunteering talents or time, you see needs and meet them with practical service.

  • Look for opportunities

    to volunteer, not just in a general capacity but specifically using your skills and talents.

  • Volunteering

    is wonderful but challenge yourself to look for long-term involvement opportunities too.

  • Think creatively

    by asking yourself: How do I want to give of my time? What would be most rewarding for me long-term? What skills can I use to bless, teach, or partner with others? (These aren’t necessarily ministry-related skills but can be just as crucial to the comprehensive work of missions!)

  • Email us

    if you’d like to volunteer time driving, hosting, reading scripts, or, if bilingual, checking translations here.

We Need You!

Sign up here for the Ally emails, which will provide you with ways you can directly and uniquely become involved, based on your skillset, in taking the Good News to every tribe and tongue.