Your Mission Multiplier Role


Prayer Warrior

You are a Prayer Warrior! Prayer Warriors carry God’s compassionate burden for people, situations, places, and causes. Your heart connects deeply and easily with God’s emotions. There is no greater intimacy for you than engaging with God in prayer over those shared feelings as you agree with and release His will, on earth as it is in heaven. You play an essential role, releasing heaven on earth through those prayers.

About The Prayer Warrior

You’re able to sense the urgency of the hour. Prayer Warriors like you are often led by the Holy Spirit to pray strategically for an issue until that burden lifts. Courageous, steadfast, and self-sacrificing, Prayer Warriors often give freely of their time and energy, both in corporate and private prayer. Fueled by your connection to Jesus, our Great Intercessor, Prayer Warriors quietly shape history by partnering with God in his desires and dreams for the world.

These deeply compassionate and often prophetically gifted people play a strategic and essential role in missions. The prayers of the saints prepare the way for the work of God, softening hearts, bringing in provision, and activating God’s power on the earth! 

Prayer Warriors must be engaged in strategy and need information so they can be praying in alignment with current needs. Also, because prayer is fundamental to understanding God’s heart, Prayer Warriors can help inform a ministry’s direction. You are also likely an encourager, able to share the words and emotions God shared with you while praying for others. 

Prayer Warrior Strengths

  • Takes the time to pray into needs and dreams

  • In tune with God’s purpose while praying

  • Deep compassion for people and causes, often sharing God's heart for people you’ve never met, and places you’ve never been to

  • Strategic thinker who loves partnering with God

Prayer Warrior Quote

Prayer Warrior Verse

Philippians 4:6

Prayer Warrior Subtypes

Each mission role can have diverse expressions. Prayer Warriors can thrive in both the role of Prayer Leader or Intimate Intercessor, likely functioning in one or both capacities. They have in common their burden to pray, powerfully feeling Jesus’s heart for others.

The Prayer Leader

The Prayer Leader often not only feels a burden to pray but also a burden to rally others together in prayer. Their strategic direction and passion for the heart of God draw others to labor in corporate prayer.

The Intimate Intercessor

The Intimate Intercessor feels a burden to join Jesus in His desires for others, often finding grace to fast and stay in the place of prayer for extended periods alone. They also might pray throughout the day for a particular burden on their heart, carrying a spirit of intercession even while going about daily tasks.

Prayer Warrior Tip

Prayer Warriors feel an unusual burden for prayer- make time for it! Set aside regular times you can pray alone or with others. Just as some give time to volunteer, give your time intentionally to pray.

You're Part of a Bigger Mission

We Need Everyone At The Table

Knowing your role and how it contributes to the mission of sharing Jesus’s love with the whole earth is essential! We need you. Read about the other gifts God has given His people to see how others can contribute. Everyone has a role to play. We need everyone at the table to complete our mission: 

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:18-20

Join the movement of believers working together to reach the 3.2 billion people who have never heard the message of Jesus! 

How Prayer Warriors Can Take Action

We need your prayers, and we value your partnership! Missions are birthed in prayer. A great harvest of souls coming to know the love of Jesus is prayed for before we see it. Your role is sometimes underestimated, but ministries are ineffective and pointless without you. God gives grace to those humble enough to come to Him on their knees in prayer!

  • Sign up

    to join Guidelines Prayer Team and receive regular prayer updates on ministry projects here.

  • Schedule set times to pray

    for missions and missions organizations, either alone or with others (Be intentional with your strength!).

  • Share words of encouragement or prayers

    with the persecuted church and the organizations serving them.

We Need You!

Sign up here for the Prayer Warrior emails, inviting intercessors into strategic prayer and sharing encouraging words as together we contend for God’s glory on the earth!

Explore Other Mission Multiplier Giftings